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Explanation of AccommodationsAccessibility Services


了解阿尔伯马尔学院(COA)的住宿情况, including ones for testing, audio recordings, alternative books formats, 座位, service animal access, attendance and breaks.

Testing Services

  • It’s your responsibility to schedule your upcoming tests/exams; You should schedule testing services (Google form) as soon as you’re made aware of an upcoming test/exam
  • 你必须 至少在考试前24个工作小时安排考试(Google表格) (pop quizzes will be managed on a case-by-case basis); a 9 a.m. test on 我的day 必须 be scheduled by 9 a.m. the previous 星期五day
  • If you need read aloud, you 必须 至少提前48个工作小时预约(Google表格)
  • 你必须 arrive on time; If you’re more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled start time, 你将被要求和你的指导老师重新安排考试时间
  • 你将不允许携带你的书包、钱包、手机或电子产品.e., Apple/Samsung watches, 平板电脑, kindle); You may leave these items in a locker or with the Coordinator, 学术支持中心或指定的测试人员
  • 只有在老师同意的情况下才允许使用计算器
  • You’ll be monitored while testing, either with a live proctor or via computer/video monitoring; All instances of Academic Dishonesty will be reported to appropriate college personnel


This service is available only for testing services. 一定是 在任何考试前至少48个工作小时预约(Google表格).

Extended Time on Assignment Accommodation

作业的延长时间可以作为一种住宿,但可能不适用于所有作业,并由教师自行决定. 学生必须要求延长他们正在寻求住宿的每个作业的时间, obtain a new due date from their instructor, and keep in communication with their instructor.

Audio Recording Privileges


  • Recorded lectures may not be shared for any reason, 未经讲师或其他讲师的明确书面同意
  • 讲座录音不得用于指证任何教员, other lecturer, 或者其他学生的评论被记录为课堂活动的一部分
  • Classroom activity may include some self-disclosure from faculty or other students; It’s your responsibility to turn off the recording device during any portion of the class that is not part of the lecture
  • 所有的录音都将在学期结束时删除
    • 讲座录音中包含的信息受联邦版权法保护,未经讲师或讲师的明确书面同意,未经演讲者的适当身份和引用,不得出版或引用

Alternative Format Books

住宿是提供给需要替代传统纸质书的残疾学生. 学生 is still required to purchase the textbook.

Preferential Seating

这是提供给学生的残疾需要相同的座位,以参加讲座. 教官应协助安排座位. 你需要和老师谈谈,安排哪个座位最适合你的需要.

Service Animal Access

Service animals are welcome on our campuses.

  1. While not required, we offer identification/registration for your service animal; This ensures that in the event you become separated from your service animal, 学院的工作人员可以帮助你和服务动物团聚
  2. 你的服务性动物在校园里必须一直处于你的控制之下, harness or voice command)
  3. 你的服务动物应该避免破坏性行为(舔), 咬, disruptive barking, 等.)
  4. 您的服务动物必须接种所有必需的疫苗
  5. To the extent possible, 服务性动物应该不打扰他人,不破坏学习环境

Access COA’s Service Animal Policy (Google document)

Attendance Accommodations

Flexible Attendance



A student with this accommodation is expected to:

  1. 理解“灵活出勤”并不意味着“不出勤”
  2. 如果学生因残疾需要缺课,学生 必须 contact their instructor; It’s advised the student also contact the Accessibility Coordinator
  3. 如果学生缺勤过多,学生不能达到学生的学习成果, the student may be withdrawn for non-attendance
  4. 学生, Accessibility Coordinator and instructor will work together to establish what is an unreasonable amount of absences for any course; This may vary between courses

Frequent Breaks


  1. 在整个教学过程中,你应该尽一切努力留在课堂上
  2. If you need to leave during class, 你应该这样做,以尽量减少对学习环境的破坏

Permission to Stand/Str等h

If you have this accommodation, 你应该确保你使用它的方式,以尽量减少对学习环境的破坏. 如果教师通知无障碍协调员这是一个中断, 审查将决定对住宿的可能改动.

For more information:

[email protected]